Quick Start

  • Note: You can skip this page, just follow instructions from the Theme Walkthrough to complete all steps.

Theme Walkthrough Page

Theme provide step by step walkthrough guide to help you quickly learning:

  • Activate recommended plugins.
  • New features of the theme.
  • Theme options.
  • Import sample data to look like the demo site.

Now click the button Theme Quickstart which appears after the theme is activated (alternatively, Appearance > WPDanceClaraTheme):

click Theme Quickstart

Next, click button Let's get started now and follow the rest instruction showing on your page:

click Let's get started now

Install Plugins

Go to Install Plugins

We recommend install and activate all plugins for quick start. Laterly, you can deactivate any unnecessary plugin to improve site performance:

Install and activate all plugins

  • Install & activate plugins may take a while. Please patience. Also, we recommend activate each plugin step by step.

After all plugins are installed and activated, return the theme walkthrough page: Return theme walkthrough

Import Sample Sliders

Follow the instruction to import sample sliders:

Go to revolution sliders

Click Import Slider to start importing sample sliders:

Import revolution slider

Please find the zip files contain sample sliders in the full package download from ThemeForest Download page:

Download all files

Unzip the file and open directory sample-data/, import all slider home-01, home-02, home-03, home-04...

Sample revslider directory

Import Sample Data

Go back to the theme walkthrough page, a new instruction will appear to guide you import sample data to look like our demo site.

Instruciton importing sample data

Click Run Importer

Run importer

Choose sample data file provided in the full package file to start importing:

Choose sample data files

Submit importing

  • Note: Don't choose **Download and import file attachments

Repeat importing all other sample data files.

After imported all sample data, go back the theme walkthrough page. Click button Confirm you got it to finish this step:

Confirm imported sample data

The new instruction will appear to show you how to configure default Header & Footer for your site. Let follow the instruction, click button Go to Customizer:

Configure Header & Footer

Choose a header and footer you want to set as default and click Save & Publish button:

Set Header & Footer

Back to the theme walkthrough page.

Choose a Homepage

Follow the next instruction to specify a homepage. Click Go to Customizer button:

Configure homepage

Configure as showing below, then click Save & Publish button:

Set homepage

Back to the theme walkthrough page.

Introduce Theme Customizer

New instruction appears to introduce about Theme Customzer, check it out and click button Confirm you got it to finish:

Customizer instruction

Confirm customizer instruction

Introduce Theme Extra Options

New instruction appears to introduce about theme options available for specific pages, posts, post types, categories, taxonomies...

Introduce theme options

Check it out and click Confirm you got it button to finish this step:

Confirm theme options introduction

Congrats! You have just completed the quick start guide.

View Your Website

Now let's visit your website front page, before starting customization.

Preview homepage